Journey of Hearts: How Being A Foster Carer Changes You

Join us on the Journey of Hearts series as we explore the personal transformation that comes with becoming a foster carer. Discover the insights, responsibilities, and the dire need for secure homes for children in care.

Welcome back to our Journey of Hearts series where we delve into the transformative journey of becoming a foster carer and the impact that can have on you, your family, and children in care. Today, we'll hear from one of our dedicated carers, Valerie, about how fostering has changed her and opened her eyes to a whole new world surrounding the foster care system.

A Different Level of Parenting

Becoming a foster carer brings a different level of responsibility and parenting with it. When you become a foster carer, you're being entrusted by a family, by Origins, and by the state to care for somebody's child. In the video, Valerie shares how having a child in care in her home has made her strive to do as much as she can for the child, to go above and beyond in terms of parenting, nurturing relationships, and providing a space and opportunity for the child to flourish.

Personal Growth, Curiosity and Understanding Trauma

As someone who has worked with children, Valerie indicates that she's always been curious about child behaviour and how trauma can impact children, and this has evolved throughout her fostering journey. She's engaged in studies to understand how to care for children who've suffered trauma, enhancing her knowledge, skills and ability to better support the child in care.

One of the great things about fostering with Origins is that we provide our carers access to ongoing training and development in a wide range of fields so they are always able to learn and grow in order to best fit the needs of any children in their care.

Check out the full video below to find out how else Valerie has been changed by becoming a foster carer.

Are you ready to embark on the transformative journey of becoming a foster carer and contribute to the need for secure homes for children in care? We're here to guide and support you on this incredible journey. Start by filling out our application form or reach out to our team of experts at Origins Foster Care to determine if foster care is the right path for you.

A portrait photo of Eithne Larkin, a team member at Origins Foster Care smiling and looking at the camera.
Written by:
Eithne LarkinEithne Larkin
August 2, 2023
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