Journey of Hearts: Witnessing Trust and Joy in Foster Care with Erin

Join Erin in our 'Journey of Hearts' series as she shares a touching story of building trust and experiencing joy in foster care. Discover the transformative moments that bring laughter and comfort to children in care.

In our "Journey of Hearts" series, we explore the profound moments that shape the foster care experience. Today, Erin shares a heartwarming story about the first time she witnessed the children in her care showing trust and relaxation, a significant milestone in their journey together.

A Moment of Transformation

About six months after the children came to live with Erin and her partner, a family holiday provided a turning point. At a theme park, amidst the excitement and fun, something remarkable happened.

The children were on the defence... they didn't know how to handle a relaxed emotion.

Erin recalls, "We were just messing and pulling faces on the rides for the photographs, just screaming and being really silly." It was during these moments of unfiltered joy that Erin saw a change.

The Breakthrough of Laughter

For the first time, both girls genuinely laughed and joined in the fun. Erin reflects, "Up until that point, any time we'd been silly, they were on the defence... But that was because they didn't know how to handle a relaxed emotion."

This laughter marked a significant shift in the children's ability to feel comfortable and express joy freely.

Growing Comfort and Joy

From that point on, periods of relaxation, laughter, and comfort in their own skin became more frequent. "Every couple of months, you were seeing it, and now you kind of see it every week, which is great," Erin shares.

This gradual transformation highlights the incredible impact of a nurturing and patient foster care environment.

Erin's story is a testament to the power of patience, love, and understanding in foster care. Witnessing the children's journey from guardedness to laughter and ease is a reminder of the profound difference foster carers can make in the lives of children in their care.

Inspired by Erin's experience and ready to make a difference in a child's life? Check out our detailed guide Fostering Ireland: Everything You Need to Know About Foster Care in Ireland for more information, or if you're ready you can apply to become a foster carer online here. You can also talk with a member of our team if you have any questions. Your journey to bringing joy and trust into a child's life starts here.

A portrait photo of Eithne Larkin, a team member at Origins Foster Care smiling and looking at the camera.
Written by:
Eithne LarkinEithne Larkin
December 1, 2023
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